This reappointment coincides with the completion of the merger between Malakoff Humanis Mutuelle and MHN, reinforcing a stronger and more innovative structure, better suited to support its members.
At 68 years old, Jean-Luc Garde, a graduate in Law and Political Science, has extensive experience in social protection and mutualism. He also holds key positions within the Mutualité Française and SGAM Malakoff Humanis.
Founded in 2019 after the merger of Malakoff Médéric and Humanis, Malakoff Humanis is a major player in social protection, covering 9 million people, serving 414,000 corporate clients, and managing €42.2 billion in complementary retirement benefits. Staying true to its paritarian, mutualist, and non-profit model, the organization directs its performance toward social utility, allocating €201 million in 2023 to support individuals in vulnerable situations.
With this reappointment, Malakoff Humanis continues its commitment to a strong, inclusive, and innovative mutualism, addressing the challenges of a changing world.